Sunday, March 30, 2008

Joel Comm's Internet Marketing Tips March 25

Joel Comm's Internet Marketing Tips
March 25, 2008

I love to experiment with technology.

And on Wednesday at 1 pm EST, I am going to give you an opportunityto experiment right along with me!

You've participated in teleseminars...

And you've participated in webinars...

But now I invite you to join me for the very first "Joel CommLIVE!" TV show streaming direct to you over the web!

During this one-hour program, I will be answering questions fromviewers in real time. Simply type your questions into the chatwindow and I will do my best to give you answers.

I will be joined by my friend and co-worker, Dan Nickerson, so itis sure to be an entertaining and informative time.

How can you prepare for my first-ever live show?

First, mark your calendar with this information...

Program: Joel Comm LIVE!
Date: Wednesday, March 26th
Time: 1 pm EST (12 noon CST, 11 am MST, 10 am PST)

Next, you will want to register to be able to ask your questions in
the chat room.

To do this, go to:

Once you are registered (for free) you will be able to participate
by asking questions.

Finally, bookmark this page...

This is where you will be able to watch the show as it happens and
say that you were part of history!

Honestly, I don't know what to expect as I've never done this
before. But I have a feeling it is going to be time well spent for

I will send a reminder in tomorrow's newsletter, but be sure to
mark your calendar now so you don't miss out. :-)

See you LIVE on Wednesday.

Live life today!


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Joel Comm's Internet Marketing Tips March 24

Joel Comm's Internet Marketing Tips
March 24, 2008

I've got a pretty colorful past

I got my first job when I was fourteen-years old, working behindthe counter of a fast-food restaurant at Northbrook Court shoppingmall in Northbrook, Illinois.

After all, I needed to save up money to buy a TRS-80 Model Icomputer from Radio Shack!

Once I acquired my driver's license, I worked in the health &beauty department at Venture. Yes, I was a stockboy.

At the age of seventeen, I was fortunate enough to get hired forone of my best jobs ever, a "grunt" at a video store in Deerfield,Illinois. Surrounded by Apple computers, big-screen televisionsand Atari video game cartridges, I was almost in heaven!

At the age of seventeen, I was fortunate enough to get hired forone of my best jobs ever, a "grunt" at a video store in Deerfield,Illinois. Surrounded by Apple computers, big-screen televisionsand Atari video game cartridges, I was almost in heaven!

You know the commercials with the old woman who says "I've fallenand I can't get up"?

Yes, I sold emergency alert systems for a time. Don't laugh. Idid pretty well.

When I was at that job, I remember striking up a businessfriendship with a man by the name of Phil Fisher.

Phil was a seasoned salesman. He seemed like the kind of guy whohad made a profession out of selling whatever he could to make aliving. And he appeared quite knowledgable, gaining my respect inshort order.

One of the things Phil taught me is that the world's best leadersare almost always readers.

Well, since I already had a love for books, I guess I wasn'tsurprised at this theory and I still enjoy reading quite a bit tothis day.

I've just created a new video to discuss five books which I believeare essential for all Internet marketers and entrepreneurs. Ithink you'll enjoy these and I highly recommend picking them up at Amazon.

What are some of YOUR favorite books for business? Please be sureto let me know in the comments section of the site.

Live life today!


P.S. - Did I really need to go through my entire early work historyto make this point? No. But I thought you might find itinteresting just the same. :-)

InfoMedia, Inc., 1151 Eagle Dr. Ste. 325, Loveland, CO 80537, USA

Joel Comm's Internet Marketing Tips March 23

Joel Comm's Internet Marketing Tips

March 23, 2008


I try not to be highly controversial on my blog, but from time totime I will stir things up.

When it comes to politics, I tend to "duck and cover."

And this political season is not much different.

In the past, I used to frequent political sites to debate andgather information.

Unfortunately, most of these sites either lean drastically to oneside or the other, or the people on the site just verbally abuseeach other.

That's why it is refreshing to come across a site where all kindsof political discourse are encouraged, but members are not allowedto flame each other (eg: no abuse!)

I invite you to visit Political Fever and join in the greatdiscussion, regardless of which side of the aisle you are on.

Of course, those outside the U.S. may find it interesting as well!

It appears that Obama Barack is going to get the Democraticnomination and run against John McCain for the presidency thiscoming November.

Yes, Hilary still has a ever-so-slight chance to shake things up.

What is your opinion?

Visit now and engage in the discussion...

Live life today!


P.S. - Note that just because a site may not appear related toInternet marketing doesn't mean you shouldn't pay attention. If Isend you a site, there is always more than one reason. In thiscase, pay attention to how a member sites can be developed andmonetized!

P.P.S. - Happy Easter! :-)

InfoMedia, Inc., 1151 Eagle Dr. Ste. 325, Loveland, CO 80537, USA

Joel Comm's Internet Marketing Tips March 22

Joel Comm's Internet Marketing Tips

March 22, 2008


You've registered your domain...

You've created your site design...

You've added original content...

And now you wonder where the money is.

It's a common story, but it is one that is easily resolved with oneword.


You can easy-button your way through registration, design andcontent.

But there is NO easy button for traffic. It doesn't exist.

That doesn't mean you can't generate traffic!

In fact, there are a number of ways you can generate traffic toyour site.

Today's entry focuses on one method of traffic generation...


Take, for example, this new site all about fresh maine lobster.

Now I am not a fan of lobster, or any seafood for that matter.

But people who like lobster really like lobster!

What is doing to get traffic?

Simple. They are giving away a $100 LobsterGram gift certificate!

There are two things I want you to take note of...

1) If you like lobster, you should definitely enter as there areonly a couple entries on the page as of this writing. Seems like agreat opportunity to have a chance at winning.

2) Pay attention to how the contest drives traffic to the site andthink about how you might be able to encourage visitors with somesort of contest. It's not difficult to do!

Your contest doesn't need to be complex. It just needs to offer alow barrier to entry and provide a prize of value. In this case,simply commenting or linking to the site can get you a $100Lobstergram gift certificate. Both criteria are met.

Take a look. The actual contest page is here...

Good luck. :-)

Live life today!


InfoMedia, Inc., 1151 Eagle Dr. Ste. 325, Loveland, CO 80537, USA

Joel Comm's Internet Marketing Tips March 21, 2008

Joel Comm's Internet Marketing Tips

March 21, 2008


Over the past few weeks, I have created over a dozen videosproviding you with answers to questions submitted by my readers.

The series has been a huge success with thousands of peoplewatching each video!

One of things people have enjoyed most is the fact that I amoffering free content. This is valuable advice that others mighthave you pay for.

You really don't want to miss any of these videos and I want tomake sure you are on my priority notification list.

To make that happen, I've created a simple video explaining how tosubscribe to my videos via YouTube.

Simply visit this page to find out just how easy it is. It's aone-minute video and I promise it will be worth your while.

After you've done that, I invite you to check out the newest video reply.

The question asked was, "What is the fastest and easiset way tomake money online?"

Click below for my answer, and remember to bring your "easy button"!

Live life today!


InfoMedia, Inc., 1151 Eagle Dr. Ste. 325, Loveland, CO 80537, USA